Here at Temple Farm we’re very keen on what’s known as “Enterprise Stacking”. Enterprise stacking is where multiple businesses operate in the same field/building/location. Currently we run enterprises for Sheep, Pigs, and Goats. In the future we’d like many more enterprises, but there are limits to how much time we have ourselves. This is where Enterprise stacking comes in – Others from the local community can partner with us to create whole new businesses. We provide the land, buildings, and some other infrastructure, whilst the other party or parties run the day-to-day elements of the new business. These staked enterprises operate on a profit share basis, with the individuals actually running the new business taking a majority, and we take a minority (usually 70/30 in your favour). Whilst this model doesn’t totally solve the many issues around Land-Access and Land-Justice in the UK, we hope it does provide a route to getting more people involved in the rural economy, and giving more people the opportunity to make a living from the land, and grow successful land-based enterprises.
Got a great business idea, but lacking the land & buildings? get in touch!
We will advertise pitch-up events periodically on local facebook groups, as we spot opportunities for the next enterprise.
Currently Open Ideas
Cider / Cider-Spirit Making operation:
Over the last 5 years, we have been slowly planting up a 3 acre, south-facing, sloping field with apple trees. These trees are a mix of UK varieties, and should make a fantastic product. We ourselves do not have time to run a cider operation, but can provide the trees, the workshop space, and some help during harvests. If you’ve always dreamed of running a cider or apple-brandy making business, get in touch with us today via the contact page!
Market Garden (1/3 Acre initially):
We have a handy roadside 1/3rd acre paddock which has been using in rotation for grazing sheep/goats, and then pigs. This soil should have ample fertility, and there’s a ready supply of “muckings out” to continue the soil building process. The paddock has water & power within 10ft, and can host a decent polytunnel (20ft wide by 50ft long, suggested). Should the 1/3rd acre prove a success, more land can be made available. If you’ve always wanted to run a successful market garden, get in touch with us today via the contact page!